My Fave Natural Sunscreens

Ok, so first things first, because this is important.

I’m not ever going to pretend to be a scientist or naturopath when it comes to any of my recommendations for any advice, products or lifestyle choices… all I can give you is my own personal recommendation based on my own research and experiences. I’ve always been interested in health and I’ve made good and bad choices regarding my health over the years, but since our little family started on this big deep dive into health and looking into what we put on and in our bodies (more on that story later), I have tried so many different products and done so much research for ourselves - as well as studying a Diploma of Organic Skincare Formulation - and I’m just sharing what I have discovered along the way. I recommend you do your own research, consult your trusted health care provider, and never take my word as gospel. Hear me in the same way you would a friend who has your very best interests at heart and is sharing about something they love. You always can take it or leave it!

I’m talking about Sunscreen today because the weather is warming up quickly here in South Oz and it’s about the time of year that I start getting lots of questions about what type of sunscreen I think is best, when to apply it with your oils and skincare ritual, and why natural vs conventional sunscreens -or: physical vs chemical.

When to apply…

Your morning skincare ritual should look roughly something like this:

Drink water (yes, this is the most important part of your skincare ritual, I suggest 500ml on rising but if you’re new to it & that’s a struggle then start with one glass) > cleanse > apply toner or face mist > apply face oils + serums > apply sunscreen > apply make up.

All with approx one minute in between each step to allow the products to settle in.

Why natural (physical) sunscreens…

You’ll find Sunscreen often referred to as ‘natural’ in the same way that many products can be ‘greenwashed’ - they may contain natural butters or some natural ingredients, but also a whole range of nasties that you seriously don’t want entering your skin, or our precious eco systems, like the ocean and its precious reefs. For example, did you know that Oxybenzone, one of the most common ultraviolet-blocking chemicals in sunscreen, can be detected in urine within 30 minutes of application? Our body absorbs it right up! This chemical is associated with endocrine (hormone) disruption, produces free radicals, suspected liver and kidney toxicity, and suspected wildlife and environmental toxicity.
*See bottom of this post for more references if you want to do some further reading.

You want to be looking for a physical protection instead of chemical. I prefer those with the specific active ingredient Zinc Oxide - it can not penetrate the skin and therefore acts as a physical barrier against damaging UV rays. You also want to ensure it has a verified SPF rating (especially if you’re buying a handmade sunscreen from a market or somewhere) against UVA and UVB rays.

Unfortunately, zinc IS that stuff we saw smeared on kids & cricket players noses in the 80’s & 90’s, and it definitely is known to sometimes leave a white tinge to your face - but there are some big improvements in that area on the market right now. I’ve tried so many different brands and listed below the ones I have sitting in our beach bag right now, with the reasons why I love them, so you can make your own choice based on your priorities. If you have a different recommendation, I would love you to share it! Check out the Instagram post promoting this Blog post on my feed, and pop your recommendation in the comments!

My favourite natural sunscreens:

100% Pure Green Tea Facial Sunscreen SPF30
Goes on lightly and easily under makeup, has a pleasant smell and the white tinge doesn’t last, so by the time you wait a few minutes and apply your makeup, it’s no longer visible. I absolutely love and trust this brand, and I’ve been really happy with their sunscreen especially for the face.

Frankly Eco Natural Sunscreen SPF50
A very vanilla scented sunscreen, this one has a sweet smell which isn’t bad, but it is strong for those of you out there who it might matter to. It also has more of an oily feel than some of the other ones I suggest here. But, this one I love for beach days because it’s super long lasting, easy to apply (a HUGE plus especially if you’re applying it to kids!), and I think it lasts better with swimming and sweating than some other brands. It still obviously says to re-apply after swimming etc but seems to last really well.

Life Basics Facial Sunscreen SPF30
This sunscreen is so easy to apply and isn’t greasy at all, I think it’s great for days at the park or under makeup etc, but not so great for beach days or excessive sweating as it doesn’t seem to last / easily is rubbed off. I’m recommending the Facial sunscreen here because I haven’t tried the body sunscreen yet but I would like to try especially for the coconut scent - that smell of summer I miss from conventional sunscreens!

Moo Goo Natural Sunscreen SPF40
This recommendation comes with a disclaimer; this sunscreen is not easy to apply! It is thick and intense! However, if you (or your kids) have sensitive skin and you want a super long lasting sunscreen - then this one is dermatologically tested, and seriously stays put.

For the KIDS: Natural Instinct Natural Kids Sunscreen SPF30
My sister and I love this one for our kiddies as it’s easy to apply and leaves more of a chalky feel than sticky or greasy - meaning the kids don’t looked like crumbed chicken the minute they play around in the sand, post application! Some people don’t love that drier feel on the skin, but again - this is where I recommend and you decide, based on your own needs & priorities!

A final note on the sun…

For healthy skin, and synthesis of Vitamin D, we actually need some sensible sun exposure. I couldn’t write a blog about sunscreen without also saying - I avoid wearing it as much as possible! Don’t get me wrong, I am vigilant about keeping my and my family’s skin safe, hence the obsession with finding the perfect sunscreen, but I like to make sure I have daily, short sessions in the sun for my health too. Remember - EVERY PERSON’S SKIN IS DIFFERENT, and I’m not providing advice for you specifically and how to look after your own skin - you know you best. But don’t be fooled into thinking we need to cover up every inch of our body whenever we leave the house; the lack of sun exposure may harm you in other ways you don’t see or weren’t expecting.

Be sensible, know & understand your own body and the climate you live in, do your own research and get regular skin checks.

And, enjoy the summer!


x Heidi
Founder, ‘ili Skin Tonics

Further reading & resources:

Low Tox Life Website, Book, Podcast & Blog:
Natural Library For Medicine: on Sunscreen Pollution:
Chemical Maze app & website:
That’s a start but there is SO much information out there once you start looking. Just ensure you’re reading a credible & verified source that isn’t supporting or being paid by any particular company or interested party!